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  • David Oliver


    I’ve just bought your PRO Super RSS Reader.

    One issue I have encountered is that for some reason when you try and get the description to show on the widget its displaying the shortcode as:


    Instead of:


    When I then correct it to %%description%% and click save. It reverts to the incorrect code and thats all that shows in the frontend.

    I’ve downloaded the plugin files and searched in Dreamweaver for any instance of the wrong syntax code that auto populates but nothing comes up. It did work ok when your free plugin was installed.

    Below are screen shots showing the issue.


    Hi David,

    Thanks for using Super RSS Reader – PRO.

    This is not expected. I’ll check this issue and update ASAP.


    Hi David,

    Thanks for reporting the issue.
    Can you please make the change below?

    1) Plugin editor -> super-rss-reader-pro\includes\widget-admin.php
    2) At line number 57, change sanitize_textarea_field to wp_kses_post
    3) Save the file.

    The changes should be saved now.
    I’ll release the fix for this issue soon.


    Hi David,

    This issue is addressed in version 4.7.1.


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