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    • csjasona

      Hi all – I have implemented the plugin and when I click no the LIKE button, when logged in to FB, I can see the button updating (You like this…) etc. However, I don’t always see the LIKE action on my FB wall. Sometimes when I refresh the FB page I see the LIKE action there but then it goes away!

      Can you guys give it a try from the page:

      and then let me know if the LIKE action gets reported (and stays!) on your FB wall?



      The like button will post. It will be a small post and it will be somewhere in your profile or the person who clicks. So it will not open and big. You should see the facebook page for more details.


      Yes, I know this. I initially saw it posting to my feed – now it has stopped, even when I click on new LIKE buttons in my blog, it doesn’t post anything to my feed.

      One question: is the plugin supposed to include any of the Facebook OG meta information, as my installation of your plugin hasn’t added that to my code at all.

      There is no problem with WPSR plugin. This plugin is only supposed to insert the code in the pages. Also FB OG meta data are optional ones. They do not affect the button. Try getting the code manually from facebook and using in you page. Here the page

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