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  • Daniel Twigg

    Hi there,

    I’ve been using Git It Write to pull doc posts to my wordpress (which works fantastically), but I’m having an issue with the linked images.

    The images are coming into my media folder but the image links in documents are dead. It looks like the posts are looking for images in /images/ where they are being stored in /wp-content/uploads/ , so all imported images come up as being dead.

    Is there something I’ve missed in the settings to get this linking done correctly?

    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for using Git it write plugin.

    Ideally there are two ways to use images in the markdown file.

    1) Putting all your images to /_images/ directory and insert them like /_images/myimage1.png in the markdown file. In this way, the image will be automatically uploaded to your media library and the image will be linked automatically.

    2) Using “absolute image path”. i.e you can upload the file manually and simply insert the image like http://<path_to_image>. In this case the image will be inserted/used as is.

    In summary, if you are able to preview the markdown file WITH images displayed correctly for example in github or vs code then you are doing it right. The post should link the images correctly.

    Please let me know how exaclty you are inserting the image.
    You could also share your post and the github file. So I can compare to see if there is any issue itself.


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