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    • seed100


      Great looking plugin. Just want i was looking for.

      I want to display the rss feeds from my forum categories on my wordpress blog, it all works fine but as many categories the tabs are just really disturbing.

      How do I edit the plugin so that the tabs not showing? As every category has its own feed from the forum, i dont want the tabs to show only the 4 latest threads i want to show.

      Also is it possible to slow down the ticker?

      Thanks for your help!!

      If you enter two or more RSS feed URLs in the “URL” textbox, then tabs will be automatically created. Use only one RSS feed URL and it will work fine.

      Thank you.


      thanks for your reply.

      I figured that out.

      But what I want is to have multiply RSS feed and no tabs; is that possible??

      dont you have a paid suport or something, i really would like to customize this plugin

      Having tabs is one of the feature of the plugin. You cannot have multiple urls without tabs.

      I think you need mixing of different rss feeds. That is not currently possible. Tweaking that is a long procedure.

      May in the forth coming versions, I may do that.

      Thank you.


      Thanks for your replay i hope it will help us more.

      Cheers !!!

    Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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