Hello, I worked around in this way:
- exported in JSON in 4.x,
- cleaned up the 4.x shortcode list,
- upgraded to 5.x
- clean up the 5.x shortcode list (deleting from trash),
- converted the export in CSV using https://www.convertcsv.com/json-to-csv.htm,
- removed the 5.x and then installed it again,
- imported the CSV via WP All Import plugin as explained on your site.
Now I have another question, in function php I have this custom code:
add_filter( 'do_shortcode_tag','pre_query_mssql_execute',10,3);
function pre_query_mssql_execute($output, $tag, $attr)
if (isset($attr['name']) && strpos($attr['name'], 'query_mssql') !== false) {
$a = get_option( 'shortcoder_data' );
$shortcode_content = $a[$attr['name']]["content"];
$output = query_mssql_execute($shortcode_content,$attr);
Now it is clear that get_option is the old way to retrieve the shortcode content.
How I can retrieve $shortcode_content by post title and the custom type?
Is filtering at do_shortcode_tag still valid?
Thank you