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    • pob1973

      On my website – I have 2 rss feeds, with Super RSS reader. In Google Chrome everything works perfectly. However, in Firefox, and Internet Explorer, the width of the ticker is reduced to just 5 characters wide, making a complete mess on the screen that is very hard to read. If I switch to just 1 feed, or if I turn the ticker off, there is no problem in any browser and it displays perfectly (which is about 30 characters wide on my theme)

      The same thing also happens if I view the site via the internet browser on my mobile phone, so it is only google chrome that displays it correct if there is 2 rss feeds and the ticker is on.

      Can you please offer any advice.

      I will keep it set to the 2 feeds and ticker on for a while so you can view the problem

      Can you please post an image of the problem ??


      I am seeing the same issue – single RRS feeds appear to be OK – BUT any more cause this display issue. I see this in IE9 & Chrome. I really like the dynamic Ticker, as it adds a bit of movement to the pages.

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

      Excellent Widget though!





      Any update or thoughts on this problem? I have also noticed that the pages with RSS feeds on take longer to load, this appears to be when ‘Super RRS Reader’ report a fault with the stream. I assume it is re-trying the download in the background?



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