Hey 🙂
Just downloaded the plugin. Thanks! Really helpful and cool!!
But there is one problem… I can´t add a second or third/(…) shortcode onto my page.
Only the last shortcode will be displayed…
How can i fix this??
This is my shortcode:
//+++ Typische eigene Einstellungen +++
videobreite = "624";
videohoehe = "351";
//Der Stream fuer Flash und iOS ist in der Regel der selbe
videodateiname_flash = "name of file";
videodateiname_ios = "name of file";
rtmpadresse = "rtmp://serveradress/username/";
httpstreamingadresse = "http://servername/username/_definst_/mp4:";
//+++ iOS Code (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) +++
c = '
c += 'Internetvideo: http://www.blitzeinschlag.de/">Blitzeinschlag Streaming Video. Sie benötigen den Flashplayer oder einen HTML5 H.264-Video fähigen Browser um an dieser Stelle ein Video sehen zu können. http://get.adobe.com/de/flashplayer/">Flashplayer Information.';
c += '';
//+++ Flash Code +++
var so = new SWFObject("http://www.server.de/playeradress.swf", "player", videobreite, videohoehe, "9", "#ffffff");
so.addVariable("videofile1", rtmpadresse+videodateiname_flash);
so.addVariable("quickstart", "0"); //"1" statt "0" startet das Video automatisch
so.addVariable("hdswitcher", "1");
so.addVariable("hdstartqualitaet", "_480p");
so.addVariable("keinlogo", "1");
so.addVariable("startbildvonsekunde", "10");
so.addVariable("bgc", "ffffff");
so.addParam("allowFullScreen", "true");
( I have to change the companys and servers name cause i dont want to publish any company code----is this possible to check the code?)
Thanks a lot!!