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  • nickthegeek

    I’m trying to add the same optin code multiple times to a page but not having any success.

    This is the optin page I am modelling:

    This is the demo page I am constructing:

    The top green button is generated via a third-party email service and successfully placed in the page with Shortcoder.

    The same code is placed under the list on the right and underneath the “Get Instant Access” bottom headline.

    I’ve tried duplicating the same shortcode and using unique shortcodes with the same code – both without success.

    Any thoughts?

    Hi @nickthegeek,

    The shortcode is inserted in the correct location as expected.

    But the code you are using seems to be non functioning (see image below)

    Probably it is designed to be used only one time in a page. Please check with the script owner/website to fix this issue.


    Marking this as resolved.

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