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    • dejudicibus

      I am using the following code in Template 1:





      I have 3 problems:

      1. the fixed div does NOT appear in front-page (index.php) even if the corresponding mark is checked

      2. if I add *any* DIGG button below the others, it does not appear

      3. if I add Reddit button, it appear BUT garbace appear in excerpts of posts too!

      1. Please post a screenshot of the page affected.

      2. Make sure, you load the scripts in the header.

      3. There is a problem with the Digg script (sometimes) due to asynchronous load.


      I load the script in the header, as recommended. Digg does not work. So I decided to use only Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, Linkedin and AddThis. As you can see here, the fixed position vertical template is not available in the front-page, whereas it is available in single.php, as you can see here. Note that I specified in placement that it should be available on index.php too (front page).

      Its a problem with the Digg’s button. I too tried all the possible ways in displaying the button. But it seems to be problem, not working some times.

      Try using the Digg button once again in the post.

      Thank you.

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