There is no button to save changes in the admin areas of configuring the plugin. For example, from the main WP Socializer admin page, I click the “manual customization” button. Then I click on the “Social buttons” button. A window then displays letting me add/remove different social bookmarking buttons. Once I configure this to my liking, I’d like to save the changes and go back to the page before. However, there is no button visible to save my changes.
I’ve tried the following browsers and all present the same behavior: Chrome, Safari and Firefox. I’m WordPress 3.5 with WP Socializer 2.4.7 (though the same behavior was present with WP Socializer 2.4.6, too).
** On a side note, WordPress tells me version 2.4.7 of the plugin is installed, but the WP Socializer main admin page displays 2.4.6 (?).