I was delighted to see that this plugin had been updated as I have been using it for years, despite warnings that it had not been updated for some time. Although the changelog said it was a new version, I had hoped that it would be backwards compatible or, if not, that details of the changes would be documented along with instructions on how to adapt to the new version.
Alas this does not seem to be the case. When I updated to the new version I found that I had lost all my stored announcements. Drat! Prudently, I have moved to the new version only on my test site and still have old announcements and their configuration details stored in my live site. So next I tried to replicate the announcement on my live site on my test site.
Here is the announcement on my live site, using the old version of Announcer:
As you can see it is embedded in the page which is achieved by using the ‘above title’ position option.
I have been unable to work out how to do this with the new version where the announcement appears above my web page – see
Can you help?
a) with the positioning
b) with retrieving my stored announcements created with the previous version.