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  • Daniel Vos


    I use the Pro plugin to get news of a few topics of the Google News RSS feed. Somehow I can get the Google logo, but not the thumbnail that from the actual news page.

    Is there a way to get the actual thumbnail?

    Kind regards.

    Hi Daniel,

    I have sent an email regarding this query. Please check and confirm if it solves the issue.


    Daniel Vos

    Hi, I tries, but for example: , I do not het thumbnails. Right now I also do not het the google logo.

    Hi Daniel,

    Can you please confirm if you have enabled “Fetch thumbnail from page directly” option to “Always” in the widget form?

    If you are using the shortcode, then you need to set thumbnail_force="always".

    More info here –


    Daniel Vos


    That works, thank you 🙂 A do have an issue when I put the count higher then 10, then I get this error:

    504 Gateway Time-out

    The server didn’t respond in time.

    I think it has the happne with images that load to slow, or cannot be loaded at all.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Daniel,

    There shouldn’t be any slowness because of this MOD.
    The thumbnail URL is cached in the DB for 1 week when it is forced to pick from the original website.

    So the first page load may be slow and upcoming requests will be fast since the thumbnail is cached but will never bring down the entire site.
    I tried it on my local site and loaded feed items from the same URL. Screenshot below.

    Can you please confirm if this is seen consistently?


    Daniel Vos


    It works, unless the count is lower than 15, for instance, if it is 30, I get a 504 time out, maybe it had to with the server configuration.

    Right now it works 🙂

    Kind regards,


    Great to hear!

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