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    • kitkat

      Pinterest is incredibly hot and growing fast, with over 2 million “likes” on Facebook and people “pinning” like mad. The typical “pinner” hits a button on their browser toolbar that they installed, yet that only goes to the site and not an individual post, and so original post reference often are “lost in the pin-web.” I tried to install a “Pinterest” “P” button but it is buggy and keeps disappearing on me, especially if I go to the minimal “compact” layouts, or update my theme. Getting it to appear again can sometimes take me all day.

      Can you update the pluggin with a Pinterest button added? Soon?


      Techcrunch article on Pinterest if you haven’t heard of it:” class=”bbcode_url”>

      Thanks for the interest, ill see the API and add it in the next release.


      Was wondering if there’s any update on getting Pinterest into this plugin?

      vaakash wrote:

      Thanks for the interest, ill see the API and add it in the next release.


      Just add go to the “Goodies” page on Pinterest, locate the button code and put it into a custom template. Works great!

      rastarr wrote:

      Was wondering if there’s any update on getting Pinterest into this plugin?

      vaakash wrote:

      Thanks for the interest, ill see the API and add it in the next release.

      Pintrest button will sure added in the next version. Since the latest version was released few days before, It will take some more days for the next release to build up.

      But for now, you can use Pintrest easily by using the “Custom” buttons feature as said by rodtrent.

      – Go to the “Custom” tab.

      – Paste the following code in either Custom 1 or custom 2 box. Say custom 1.


      Pin It

      (change “horizontal” to vertical if you want)

      – Go to the “Placement” tab. Now you can use the code {custom-1} in those templates.

      That’s all

      Thank you.


      OK cool – really doesn’t work to display a full post available media unfortunately and I needed to add a url variable.

      I did find a post <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”> that includes php for what the Pinterest popup should display but it looks like php code in the Custom setting isn’t allowed.

      Any way to make this work?


      Yes the 2 above suggestions do not fully work. What is the latest on adding pinterest? Any plans in near/immediate future? Really REALLY want on my site 🙂



      Through some very creative code-jockeying, the husband and I managed to get a Pinterest button working with WP Socializer. However, this means that another plugin must be installed, activated, and edited — and it has to remain active.

      In any case, here’s what we did.

      1) install and activate the Pinterest Pin It Button plugin

      2) edit the “Pinterest Pin It Button” plugin (pinterest.php)

      Original value:


      function pinitbutton($content){
      if (is_single()) {
      $content .= ‘

      return $content;
      add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘pinitbutton’);

      function pinitshortcode(){
      $pinitbutton = ‘

      return $pinitbutton;

      Edited value:


      /* EDITED */

      function pinitbutton($content){
      if (is_single()) {
      $content .=’ ‘;
      return $content;
      add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘pinitbutton’);

      function pinitshortcode(){
      $pinitbutton = ‘ ‘;
      return $pinitbutton;

      3) code to insert into Custom 1 button:


      Please note: this form of the button does not include the Pinterest counter, just the button.

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