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    • westcoastsurf

      Hello, I would like to just have the icons display all the time in my header area beside my logo instead of in the posts themselves. How would I go about doing that?

      Also is it possible to put them in the sidebar as a widget?

      Thanks. Nice plugin.

      Hello, thanks for using WP Socializer.

      Placing the icons besides the header area is possible, but you have to do some editing works in the header.php, etc(in the theme folder) to place the headers.

      First you have to configure/select the buttons in the admin page.

      Then use the code


      for 16px buttons and


      for 32px buttons.

      Paste the above in any of the theme file and the buttons appear there.

      You can see more info about this in this page, theme function

      The second one is currently not possible, the second version is being made with these features.


      You say it’s not possible to place socializer in the sidebar. I just read what you said about placing it in the header, and did this in sidebar.php:


      $lessgap=’ class=”lessgap”‘;
      $disable = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘_disable_breadcrumb’, true);
      if(!isset($disable) || $disable == -1){

      Works fine and places the socializer icons above the rest of the sidebar content.

      As said, WP Socializer is extremely customizable. You can use it for any theme with your own customization.

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