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  • Caillard Xavier

    Having an issue but console doesn’t give me any clue

    If an image is opened in lightbox, we can’t fill the form in the widget.

    Any idea where could be the conflict?

    Or any solution to hide the widget below the lightbox?

    Thank you

    Hi Caillard,

    It seems that the lightbox is displaying above the floating widget.

    You can paste below CSS to bring it up. (either in your theme settings or widgetbox settings)

    .ufw_fo {
    z-index: 99999999;

    I also see that when I click on the calendar in the widget, the widget box closed.
    Have you made any changes to close on clicking the date field ?


    Caillard Xavier

    Hi Aakash,
    That did it, thank you very much.
    Also thank you to point the other problem.
    Fixed it by changing the form plugin.
    Keep the good job.
    Stay safe.

    Caillard Xavier

    Hi again,
    In fact the code
    .ufw_fo {
    z-index: 99999999;
    doesn’t work.
    If a lightbox is open we still can not fill the form.

    Hi Caillard,

    The cannot find the code in the file.

    Please right click view page source and search for this string ‘z-index: 99999999;’
    May be the cached page is shown


    Caillard Xavier

    Hi Aakash,
    There is a string z-index: 99999999 on the page source.

    Thank you

    Hi Calliard,

    I tried looking at the page again. It seems the issue is not with the lightbox displaying over the flyout.

    The form inputs itself are disabled/not active for somereason.

    I tried resizing the lightbox area but still form inside the widget is not clickable.

    It is because some plugin/lightbox/theme is disabling all forms when lightbox is open. After closing it is accessible. This is something which you can check on your side.

    There is not issue with UFW as you can see the “text” is selectable. It means that UFW is on the top and accessible. Only the form is disabled is not clickable.

    Can you please check with the theme/lightbox author to see if they can find it out ?


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