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  • Manish Malhotra

    We have integrated Super Rss Reader PRO plugin in our site for fetching company news from their Google news feeds. I can see the post along with title, description and thumbnail images in google news site.

    When I tried to fetch the posts along with title, Image using shortcode, the feeds are not fetching the images from the news.

    I have given the page link below that has the above mentioned issue.

    Shortcode Used:

    [srr_feed urls=”” tab_titles=”Feeds” count=6 show_thumb=1 thumbnail_size=100% thumbnail_force=always show_desc=1 show_author=0 show_date=0 display_type=normal strip_desc=50 ]

    Shortcode Used:

    [srr_feed urls=”” tab_titles=”Feeds” count=6 show_thumb=1 thumbnail_size=100% thumbnail_force=always show_desc=1 show_author=0 show_date=0 display_type=normal strip_desc=50 ]

    Could you tell us the fix for this?

    Hi Manish,

    Thanks for using Super RSS Reader – PRO.

    The thumbnail image is taken from the RSS feed. Recently Google news stopped putting thumbnails in the RSS feed. Hence the reader is not able to display the image.

    Currently, there is no workaround and I’m still searching for a solution.

    Please note that this is only with Google news RSS feed. Other RSS feeds will display thumbnail if it contains.

    I’ll update if there is any update, but meantime I would suggest disabling thumbnail or use other RSS feed which has thumbnails.


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