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    • lawrencio

      Hey I run a small website for a group of students. Recently I tested Shortcoder on my sandbox for their website and it worked fine, however once I tried to put it onto the real site I’ve been getting page doesn’t exist errors in shortcoder whenever I go past the ‘1-‘ setting.

      I can add code to the 1st shortcoder slot but once I try to add any to the following slots, I get an error kicked out of Admin onto the 404 page on my site, I tried reloading WordPress, Shortcoder, and I’ve updated every one of my plugins, also added the code to the functions.php file and I still get booted to a can’t find it page.

      ‘.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=shortcoder/shortcoder.php&sc_id_no=3, and it doesn’t exist. All is not lost! You can search for what you’re looking for.’ Funny part is I’ve tested the first one on the main site and it works fine, so I’m really not sure what’s causing the problem, are their any known conflicts with other plugins?

      ** not sure if this is important landing page is different from wordpress directory

      WP 3.1, Theme: hybrid 0.6, Custom Child theme (based on Hybrid news 0.1.1).

      Any incite would be great



      This is a great plugin, exactly what I was looking for, but as with lawrencio, it 404s when I try to switch to any shortcode beyond the first.

      WP3.1, Custom Child theme of 2010.

      Any suggestions?



      Themes doesnt matter for this issue. Its because, WP 3.1 has some changes to the plugin system and admin pages. I think its due to that. I am constantly working on this for a solution.


      Same problem here. When changing the shortcode in “Select a shortcode”, it tries to redirect to the wrong URL.

      In my case, I have WordPress installed in a subfolder /wp folder, but WordPress takes care of the site root. In other words, site is in / and admin is in /wp/wp-admin/.

      The plugin redirects to:


      when it should be:


      Maybe the problem is a hardcoded call to /wp-admin, regardless of where the current WordPress installation is? Or maybe you’re taking the root path from the *site* URL and not *wordpress install* URL?

      Hope this info helps.



      Or maybe you’re taking the root path from the *site* URL and not *wordpress install* URL?

      Confirmed. At least for me, this little change in shortcoder.php line 390 fixed the problem:

      FROM: location.href = ‘/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=shortcoder/shortcoder.php&sc_id_no=’+sc_id.value;

      TO: location.href = ‘/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=shortcoder/shortcoder.php&sc_id_no=’+sc_id.value;

      In other words, just change ‘home’ to ‘siteurl’.


      That makes sense – I also have wp installed in a sub-directory, so that must be the issue for me also.

      Aakash, presumably you can release an updated version with the fix included?

      thanks for the fix… will be updated as soon as possible


      dang, i just started a new thread on this exact issue which i solved after much screaming and tears. if i’d seen this first i wouldn’t have killed my flatmate earlier. cest la vie.

      airey74 wrote:

      dang, i just started a new thread on this exact issue which i solved after much screaming and tears. if i’d seen this first i wouldn’t have killed my flatmate earlier. cest la vie.

      Thanks for your bug fix… airey74

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