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    • jenniferheller


      I’ve been using WP Socializer on my blog,, for awhile now and I love it!! Thank you so much. 😀

      It used to be the case that when I linked to my blog from my twitter within Hootsuite (a social media dashboard) the retweet count went up. I recently started fresh with a new installation of WP and WP Socializer, and now when I tweet my blog entry from Hootsuite the retweet counter is not incremented. In fact, the only way to increment it is to use that actual retweet button!

      Is it possible that there’s some way to fix this? I’d prefer not to have to take the extra step each time I publish a blog entry.



      Thanks for trying my plugin. But i have some question,

      When you are tweeting about your site, did you include the “POST URL” for which you are tweeting. This will only show a increment in counter.


      Also, note that you are using “TWEETMEME” which an unofficial twitter button. So tweeting in “TWITTER” will not show any increment in the tweetmeme. Using the Twitter’s official retweet button will solve this case.

      Please note that ALL THOSE BUTTONS are RETWEET buttons, so retweeting the tweet will show an increment.

      And, WP Socializer’s work is just to insert the buttons in WordPress in an easy manner !

      Please feel free to post your issues.

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