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    • cathyoh

      Is it possible to create the titles for each of the RSS Feeds? It looks like cuurently it pulls the title from the url (is that correct?) I would like to be able to name the feed myself. I see that we have the ability to control number of characters, but I would like to input the titles myself. Thank you for this great widget.

      Hello cathyoh,

      Sorry for the late reply. I already had this idea of getting the tab name from the user. Definitely in the upcoming versions I’ll add this feature. Thank you.


      cathyoh wrote:

      Is it possible to create the titles for each of the RSS Feeds? It looks like cuurently it pulls the title from the url (is that correct?) I would like to be able to name the feed myself. I see that we have the ability to control number of characters, but I would like to input the titles myself. Thank you for this great widget.

      Are you talking about the RSS “Tab Titles” when using multiple feeds???

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