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    • Pixelman

      I love, love, love this plugin…except for one thing: the different articles in a given RSS feed can be different heights depending on the number of lines they require and every time the next article to animate onto the stage changes the total height of the visible articles, the widget resizes to hold it and everything below the widget then gets shifted up or down accordingly.

      What I’d like to do is set an absolute height for the widget such that the ticker articles animate into and out of the statically-sized “window”. If only the top two lines of the newest article show at the very bottom of the widget window, so be it – it’ll be completely in view as of the following animation cycle.

      It was simple enough to locate the target tag and set a fixed height for the widget window…but the ticker’s contents (when longer than the window’s dimensions) are still visible below the bottom border. In other words, the ticker content doesn’t respect the bounds of the ticker container.

      So, THAT’s my question: How do I make it so that anything below the bottom edge of the widget window remains hidden from view? I thought it might be as simple as [overflow:hidden]…but it wasn’t 😥

      Is there a way to do this?


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