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  • Edward Elford

    Hi, in my website, if i set the widget in the bottom corners, the search pop up is covering the fliters and also the results of the searches, because it still coming out from the bottom part of the search tool in down direction, so over the screen.




    Hi Edward,

    Since the floating sidebar is positioned in the bottom left corner, it overlaps the content below.
    The sidebar is supposed to float over all the content.

    It is not possible to place it below any content.

    Can you please check if you can position the floating sidebar in the bottom right corner and see if it works for you?


    Edward Elford

    Hi Aakash, is the same, the results of the searches and the filters field is going over the screen in the bottom side of the screen. I undestand that “The sidebar is supposed to float over all the content” but why allow to set it in bottom side of the screen if it cannot open the results above the search field that is the question. There is some css can be used about it to popup the result and filters field on the right side of the search fild instead of bottom side ?


    Hi Edward,

    Sure, let me see how I can help.
    The screenshots are not clear for some reason and is not working so I cannot fully see what is being hidden.

    Can you please share your website URL?


    Edward Elford

    hi, sure . here


    thanks a lot for your help


    Please use the below CSS to bring the dropdown forward.

    .wpdreams_asl_results {
        z-index: 9999999 !important;

    The dropdown is an overlay and it is positioned below the search box dynamically.
    This is beyond UFW’s control to change that.

    So please check if the search plugin has an option to position the dropdown above the search box.
    Otherwise, you must position the widget to the top of the page.


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