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    • strangebiscuit

      I’m using WP Socializer to put ShareThis buttons on a wordpress site and it works well. However, I changed the title of the site quite a while ago and when I send an email using the ShareThis email button the emails contain the previous site name (with some extra characters and numbers stuck in) and a thumbnail of an image from the site. The actual link in the emails says the correct site name, but I can’t get rid of the previous name in the body content. I’ve checked the site very carefully and ran searches in the SQL database and can’t find any reference to the old title anywhere.

      I tried signing up for a ShareThis account and put in my own publisher key, but it made no difference. I also downloaded the site and ran a local copy using XAMPP and the emails sent using the ShareThis email button on the local site did not contain the old title or the image. Additionally, I tried removing and reinstalling the WP Socializer plugin…no change. In fact my settings restored when I reinstalled the plugin, even though I manually deleted the WP Socializer folder from my plugins directory. I used the reset button on the configuration page for the plugin to put things back to defaults, but the old content is still inserted into the emails!

      Where is the button getting this content from? How do I change it? Anyone know?

      Sorry for the lengthy message.

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