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  • Grayson

    I am trying to insert the shortcode from “Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer” plugin which creates and HTML table from a Google sheet. I want to display only one cell from the sheet inline within text. I believe the original shortcode is enclosed by which drops any text below.

    The goal is to have a sentence such as …. “The top rated player is [shortcode] as of [date]”

    I thought this may be possible with you code, but maybe not?

    Hi Grayson,

    Are you creating a shortcode using Shortcoder?

    What is the content (i.e HTML) of the shortcode?
    I would like to know how “inline google spreasheet” plugin comes into play.

    When you meant [shortcode] I’m nto sure if it is shortcoder’s one or the other plugin you mentioned.

    Can you please share more details? Screenshots would also help.



    Inside my shortcoder code is:

    [gdoc key=”″ query=”select AE limit 1 offset 2″ display=”inline” class=”no-datatables” use_cache=”no”] $$enclosed_content$$

    named …. [sc name="maleleader"]is the Men’s rating leader![/sc]

    which returns ….
    White, Bob (4.08)
    is the Men’s rating Leader

    where I would like it to be: “White, Bob (4.08) is the Men’s rating Leader

    However, I believe this has to do with the shortcode I used within [sc] [/sc]

    Hi @grayson,

    I guess the gdoc shortcode is adding a newline at the end.

    Without using shortcoder can you directly insert the shortcode in a test post and see the results?


    [gdoc key=”″ query=”select AE limit 1 offset 2″ display=”inline” class=”no-datatables” use_cache=”no”] is the Men’s rating Leader

    Observe the output of the post. If the line breaks, then gdoc is adding a new line at the end of it’s output.



    That is the reason I tried your plugin as I already tried that possibility. You are correct.
    Thank you. You’re plugin is truly useful.


    I was able to use the below code in your plugin to do the trick. I justslapped all in a HTML table.

    <table><tr><td>[gdoc key=”; query=”select AE limit 1 offset 2″ display=”inline” class=”no-datatables” use_cache=”no”] </td><td>is leading Men’s and</td><td>[gdoc key=”; query=”select AF limit 1 offset 2″ display=”inline” class=”no-datatables” use_cache=”no”]</td><td>is leading Womens!</td></tr></table>

    Your plugin did it! Thank you!

    It now renders all in one line:
    Bob White (4.02) is leading Men’s and Jane Doe (3.15) is leading Women’s!

    Hi @grayson,

    Shortcoder helps to create “shortcodes” for frequently used HTML/CSS/JS snippets. It does not alter the content. So what you see without a shortcode is what you see with a shortcode.

    Glad that you found a workaround.


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