Hi Jason,
You can use the WordPress information -> “Post excerpt” tag itself.
As of now the plugin is printing only 100 characters.
But you can make the change in the code to print full post excerpt.
In Plugin editor > shortcoder/includes/metadata.php
Replace this
public static function excerpt( $length = 250 ){
global $post;
if( !is_object( $post ) ){
return '';
$excerpt = $post->post_excerpt; // using $post->post_excerpt instead of get_the_excerpt as the_content filter loses shortcode formatting
$excerpt_text = ( empty( $excerpt ) ) ? strip_tags( strip_shortcodes( $post->post_content ) ) : $excerpt;
return substr( $excerpt_text, 0, $length );
with this
public static function excerpt( $length = 250 ){
global $post;
if( !is_object( $post ) ){
return '';
return $post->post_excerpt;
I’ll make the change in the next version to print the full description.