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    • thjanssen


      Shortcoder 4.0.1 breaks the Thrive Content Builder. As soon as I activate the Shortcoder plugin, the Thrive Content Builder doesn’t load.



      Can you please press ctrl+shift+j in chrome and copy paste the text you see in the “console” tab from the page where the builder does not load ASAP please​ ?


      It shows 2 of these messages and nothing else:


      JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1:2

      Ok, can you please quickly create one temp user with editing capabilities and send the login details to Aakash . 19493 @ Gmail .com ?

      When I’m done checking the issue, you an delete the account.

      Hi, I’ve sent you an email after my analysis. Looks like there is an issue with the thrive editor itself.


      Has this been fixed in 4.02?

      All the major issues are fixed in the latest version. If there is any other issue, please be specific.

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