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  • Mint Sdn Bhd


    I understand that the shortcoder plugin was only tested on Elementor etc. I have a Goodlayer Page Builder, and this page builder requires us to add php snippet in order for the page builder to work on non-supported page.

    I managed to get the page builder to load on Shortcoder – (I changed the custom post type to ‘shortcoder’ and I have not worked on the printing code), the shortcode is not getting printed on the frontend page.


    What code should I put for it to show? Thanks in advance.

    Hi Mint,

    Thanks for using Shortcoder PRO.

    I’ll check and get back to you on this.


    Hi Mint,

    I believe you want to use goodlayer page builder to create shortcode content.

    In the code you shared, can you please change product to shortcoder_editor?

    1) After this is added, select “Custom editor” in shortcode edit page.
    2) Click “open editor”
    3) Now the page will load goodlayer pae builder.

    Now you can set shortcode content using that page builder.


    Mint Sdn Bhd

    Hi Aakash

    Not sure if I have posted my reply. I managed to get the Page Builder to load in the Custom Editor. However, applying the shortcode to the frontend won’t load the content.

    Hi Mint,

    Understood. That means the editor is not “executing” the shortcode. The editor has to use execute that shortcode using the do_shortcode function.

    Not only shortcoder’s shortcode any shortcode you insert it won’t work. You can try insert a shortcode like [gallery] it wouldn’t work.

    That is because, the editor sees it as a normal text. Goodlayer should have some kind of option/widget just to execute shortcodes.

    Can you raise a ticket to goodlayer editor topic and enquire them of the same?

    You can simply ask them how to execute shortcodes.
    Let me know how it goes.


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