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  • sanjay17

    Hi. I have noticed recently that some of my shortcodes are taking up to 8 seconds to load on page. Everything on the page is there, just waiting for shortcodes to catch up.

    I do have cache settings in place from SiteGround, and my shortcodes hold MindBody branded web widgets.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Sanjay,

    Thanks for using Shortcoder.

    Could you please share information on the following?

    1) Number of shortcodes you have created
    2) The size (word count) of the shortcode for which the execution takes place.
    3) What kind of shortcode is that? is that a Javascript code? can you please share it if true?



    Hi. Thanks for replying.

    1. I have created 85 shortcodes

    2/3. They all look similar to this:

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><healcode-widget data-version="0.2" data-link-class="healcode-pricing-option-image-link" data-site-id="28057" data-mb-site-id="179194" data-type="pricing-link" data-inner-html="<img alt='Buy Now' src='' />" data-service-id="10744" />

    Hi Sanjay,

    Shortcoder is tested with 1000+ shortcodes and there is no issues/reports of slowness.

    In your case 85 shortcodes is not a lot and the content size is small. I don’t find any reason for the page to be stuck for 8 seconds.

    I created a shortcode for the JS you had shared and did not observe any slowness in my test site. The entire page loads instantly and the JS takes few seconds to load the “buy now” button. This is expected since thats how JS widgets asynchronously load content.

    You can expermient with a normal HTML text with JS and see if there is any difference. Please let me know if you want any other findings or information related to this.


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