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  • ColinWalton

    I have now bought Shortcoder Pro, which I hoped would solve this problem but sadly it hasn’t.

    Here is the problem again….

    Using Query Monitor I have identified PHP error problems as stopping when I deactivate Shortcoder.

    I deactivated all of my plugins, no errors.

    Then activated each one in turn checking a test page each time.

    All worked ok until I activated Shortcoder. Here is the PHP error:

    Warning is_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/en.js) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/DOMAINNAMEHERE/:/tmp/) 1 +
    WordPress core

    Warning is_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/en_dlg.js) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/DOMAINNAMEHERE/:/tmp/) 1 +
    WordPress core

    Is there anything I can do to fix the error? I am using Enfold theme, but the same happens too using Twenty Twenty One as a test.


    Hi Colin,

    Thanks for using Shortcoder plugin.

    The error you have mentioned looks like a server config.

    The error is thrown by WordPress editor module.

    Can you please follow the below articles to fix it?

    WordPress Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect



    Brilliant! thank you.

    The solution is in this link

    Change the Plesk php setting open_basedir to NONE and refreshing the page has fixed it.

    Thank you for the pointer!


    Hi Colin,

    Good to hear. I’ll mark this post as resolved.


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