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    • Author
    • ehannum

      I uploaded the WP Socializer plug-in yesterday, and it was working fine (i.e I used the one click ‘simple template-comact-inverted’). This morning the layout was skewed in that the buttons appeared in a vertical row from the top of the post (some condensed), pushing all the content down. The only thing I did in between was add a favicon (via the header.php – so I don’t see how this would affect it). I tried deleting the plug-in then reloading, but it still does not work. I also tried to use the placement mechanism – the only button that works is the “facebook-like” (the none of the others even show up). Ideally I’d like the “facebook-like” and “sharethis-bt” at the bottom of each post. Please let me know if you have suggestions. Thanks

      Can u please give the site URL ?


      Wondering why that error happens…. did you make any changes to the code ??

      did you include the function


      in the header.php theme file ??

      This function only inserts the essential javascripts for the sharethis button (and for other buttons and plugins also).


      Strange. I didn’t make changes to the code previously. But I added the code to the header.php in my template just before the closing /head tag as you suggested and it works fine now. Thank you very much. I appreciate your plug-in and time and will donate.

      ehannum wrote:

      Strange. I didn’t make changes to the code previously. But I added the code to the header.php in my template just before the closing /head tag as you suggested and it works fine now. Thank you very much. I appreciate your plug-in and time and will donate.

      Thanks for trying the plugin.

      Heres the donate URL: <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

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