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  • alberto488

    Hello, I have a couple of questions regarding the shortcode and the normal display and the ticker display.

    Please, on the normal display, is there any way (like a css class or similar) that the thumbnail is next to the title and not next to the description? I am using a feed that doesn’t have a description in any item so it looks a little bad this way (as you can see here: but would look okay next to the title.

    And please, on the ticker display, is anyone using it with thumbnail_position=”cover” and thumbnail_size=”10%” or any other percentage. When I use a percentage it doesn’t show any image and if I use a px, like 150px it looks very elongated, but only on desktop devices, on mobile it looks fine.

    This is the shortcode I am using, please is there anything wrong on here?
    [srr_feed urls=”RSSURL” count=”80″ order_by=”default” thumbnail_position=”cover” thumbnail_size=”10%” thumbnail_force=”always” color_style=”modern2″ display_type=”vertical_ticker”]

    Thank you everyone for the help!

    Hi Albert,

    Can you please share your website URL?
    I’ll suggest CSS to align the thumbnail and title next to each other.



    Thank you! I sent you an email.

    Hi Albert,

    Can you please paste the CSS below in your theme settings?

    You can change the post id in the code below based on which post the shortcode is inserted.

    .postid-54690 .srr-clearfix {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: row-reverse;
        justify-content: flex-end;



    Thank you Aakash, it worked

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