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    • gappaul

      Ticker animation not working, second tab feed not showing.

      I have pasted the feed links with a comma and I have tried pasting links from feed burner as well. but it does not work. however both the feed links and feedburner link works when i put it first but the second link feed does not show, the tab comes up but when i click the tab the feeds does not show. Please help.


      Try reloading the page. This can be due to some caching effects. Press Ctrl+Shift+J in chrome and check for any errors you get in the console window.


      Mine also doesn’t work, and the Theme doesn’t work either.

      My site is: (located at the end of sidebar), my settings: 4 post visible, with ticker set to 2.

      Thank you, great Plugin mate. Hoping to get the ticker animation works.

      kuskuskus wrote:

      Mine also doesn’t work, and the Theme doesn’t work either.

      My site is: (located at the end of sidebar), my settings: 4 post visible, with ticker set to 2.

      Thank you, great Plugin mate. Hoping to get the ticker animation works.

      The main Javascript for the “ticker” animation is not loaded at all in the site.

      There is a problem with your theme.

      I think it is not having the “wp_head()” function in the “header.php” file.

      Or else, temporarily switch to another theme and check whether it works.

      Necessary actions are used to print the ticker animation JS files, but none are in the theme. Please check that.

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