Hi !
Thanks for this great plugin.
I see in the sources of wp-socializer that strings are already surrounded by __’s.
Do you provide any .po files ? and collect translated .po files ?
I’ve started to translate WP-socializer in french, and I ran in the following problem:
In the file wp-socializer.php, many of the strings that are on the front side of the site are declared in the $wpsr_socialsites_list array. Which is declared before the translations are loaded.
So to make it work, I had to move the line
load_plugin_textdomain(‘wpsr’, false, dirname(plugin_basename( __FILE__ )) . ‘/languages’);
from the wpsr_init() function to the beginning of the file.
Also, some strings are not included in __() , for example ‘Add to favorites’
Right now, with this fix, I could get my .mo file loaded.
It would be nice to integrate in the base code a solution for the translations on front site.
Best regards,