‘m having a really tough time figuring out how to change the link titles (hover title) to translate these into French so when you hover over an icon, instead of “Share on Facebook” we need it to say something in French instead of English, but with this code, there seems to be no way to change that.
I’ve tried researching the Function Reference on the plugin’s website, there’s no examples though.
This is my current code:
‘socialbts’, array(
‘services’ => ‘facebook,twitter,googleplus,pinterest,addtofavorites,email’)
I tried adding a ‘title’ array like this:
‘socialbts’, array(
‘services’ => ‘facebook,twitter,googleplus,pinterest,addtofavorites,email’,
‘title’ => ‘facebook,twitter,googleplus,pinterest,somethinginfrench,email’)
but nothing happens when I add the titles, and the Function Reference just says:
“title – Any valid title”
as a parameter, I took this to mean the a href title tag, but I’m guessing that is something else.
Does anyone know how to change the hover titles?