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  • DSCB Webmaster


    I was using Announcer on our website tonight to announce a rehearsal cancellation. When I opened Announcer, in the text area all of the text was white. Since the background was also white, the only way I could see text was by highlighting it.

    Also, in the Design tab, I was previously able to set a background color by just selecting a color. That option is no longer present. Was this option taken out of the free version?

    Our site is I uploaded screenshots of this issue to Imgur (

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


    Thanks for using Announcer plugin.

    1) it looks like in visual editor, the text and background are both white. Ideally the editor tries to mimic the active theme stylesheet. But for somereason text is white. I need to check the setup live. But instead can you please use the “text” mode as an alternative?

    2) there should be a color picker for the background color field. It seems like there is a JS error which broke the page. Possibly #1 and #2 are related?

    Can you please press ctrl+shift+j on your browser and check for errors in the console printed? It could be a conflict with another plugin installed on your website.


    DSCB Webmaster

    Thank you for the response.

    I ran the command that you requested and have uploaded the screenshot to imgur If I am looking at the developer info correct, it does look like there are a couple of errors.

    Before I ran the command, I checked and I can once again see the text for the announcement. The color selectors are also back. If you did something to correct this, thank you.

    When you press Ctrl+Shift+J, a new window opens and under the “console” tab you will find errors in red color. Possibly one of the error is the cause. Can you please share that screenshot?

    If otherwise you can use a color picker like below and paste the “hex code” in the background color field example #00ccff


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