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  • James Savers

    I am updating shortcode in shortcoder, and saving and updating. The changes are not being reflected on the short code on the website even after serval days. Am I missing something?

    Hi James,

    If the “page” where the shortcode is inserted is “cached” (using WordPress caching plugins) then the page will not reflect the updated shortcode content.

    Please check and share more details along this.


    James Savers

    It is not a chache situation as other page updates have been updated, but not the shortcode. Any chance we can do a session to troubleshoot?

    Hi James,

    That is strange and not possible at all. I’m not sure if we can do a live session considering the random time I work.

    Can you please confirm if the correct shortcode is modified and or correct shortcode is expected to be changed in the posts?

    May be there is some misread between the shortcode’s “display name” and the “shortcode name”.

    If you can share any screenshots, I can identify the problem easily.


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