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  • [email protected]

    Can I use the REST API to modify a shortcode? Seems not to work… (I changed the show_in_rest to true already). Here’s a snippet of my python code.

    def update_wordpress_post(html_content):
        wordpress_url = f"{rest_api_endpoint}{post_id}"  # REST API URL for creating a post
        username = "username"
        password = "application_pwd"
        # Prepare the data for the request
        data = {
            "title": "name_of_the_shortcode",  # Set the title of the post
            "content": html_content,  # The generated HTML content
            "status": "publish"  # Publish the post immediately
        # Make the POST request to the WordPress API
        response =
            auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)  # Basic Auth using username and app password

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for using Shortcoder. Shortcoder uses “custom post types”. So if you are able to edit a custom post type usign your script, then it should work for shortcoder too.

    I haven’t tried editing any custom post type with REST API.
    Can you please let me know what happens in your case?


    [email protected]

    Hey Aakash! Thanks for the quick reply!

    To be honest, I moved on from this problem. I hacked around it by writing the html code directly into the post_content of the shortcode in the database using SQL. Works fine for me, it’s a bit wonky but is stable enough.

    I think making the shortcodes editable by the REST API would be a really great feature.

    Hi Alex,

    Glad you figured it out.

    Shortcoder sets the content in the post_content field of post. So if you are using that already to modify the shortcode content, then there is no need to worry.


    [email protected]

    Yapp, thanks. Great job with shortcoder, btw. I guess this request can be closed then.

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