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    • Author
    • kashiif


      First of all, hats off to such a great plugin. I have tried many social networking plugins but WP Socializer is so far the best.

      Correct Description

      When I try to set url for plus one by using

      The url property is not set properly. After going through the code, i figured out that the problem is in wp-socializer.php. There are two case statements for ‘plusone’: The first one calls wpsr_plusone_bt() while the alter calls wpsr_plusone(). The later is correct.

      Commenting the first case passes correct url. I am not sure if it would break shortcodes (which I am not using right now)

      Old Description

      I have encountered one problem though. When a page is set to have a canonical url (), Facebook and PlusOne will use the meta data from the canonical page, instead of the current page itself. But the WP Socializer buttons will ignore canonical url and pass the current url.

      For example see a page at my website:

      If you try the same page in FB linter tool:

      Or in google plus one:

      You can understand what I am talking about.

      Hello kashiif ,

      Thanks for trying WP Socializer. I think, you were not aware of the recent version “2.2”

      It was released on released on 11/11/2011

      It has most of the bugs fixed. The issues you told were already spotted and rectified.

      Please download the latest version and report if you have any issues. I am always there to debug.


      Thank you.



      Thanks for your response.

      Sorry I mistakenly reported the wrong version., In-fact I am using version 2.2.

      There is one more issue I found out. When using wp_socializer(‘digg’, ‘url=some_url’), there is no button displayed. By using Firebug, I located the following line was generated correctly:


      However the css classes “DiggThisButton”/”DiggMedium” does not seem to exist. You can have a look at

      The classes “DiggThisButton”/”DiggMedium” exists Refer this page :

      Digg button always have this problem. Its due to asynchronous loading of the button (this error occurs only to digg – wondering why !!).

      Try refreshing the page or check whether the “digg button is script is included in the header or footer.

      Thank you.


      Google, plus one to make sure that Google will deliver 1000 plus one for 7 to 14 days by adding 100 1 per 24 hours; By doing this, Google will see your site as a site for rapid growth and will quickly increase your rank in the research. Another reason you should buy Google, plus one of us is that we are not using the robot or a proxy server to deliver your one adds, we use real people to deliver our services. You can buy Google and one of us at the cheapest rate.


      vaakash wrote:

      Try refreshing the page or check whether the “digg button is script is included in the header or footer.

      Yeap, you are correct. No javascript is being loaded from digg. So is it a bug or am I missing anything?

      If you are using the template function, then you should use the code


      either in the header or footer for including the digg button script.

      If you are placing the button using the “Administration page” then WP Socializer will automatically include the script.

      Please check that out. Thank you.


      This fixes the problem. Thanks

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