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    • TDPsGM

      This should be fairly simple but I can not see what the trouble is.

      I followed you basic test on this link:” class=”bbcode_url”>


      1. Go to the admin page,

      2. Give the shortcode name as “test”

      3. Enter the content as, “THIS IS A TESTING SHORTCODE” and click create shortcode.

      4. Go to the post edit page, enter the code [sc:test] and publish it.

      5. In the post you should see “THIS IS A TESTING SHORTCODE” in the place where you typed the code [sc:test].

      It works perfectly, so i don’t think there is a plugin conflict.

      Now when I try a simple html tag like this:

      My Name

      Absolutely nothing appears.

      Any suggestions?


      In an effort to help solve this issue I have viewed the page source. Here is what I see:


      Some tinyMCEadvanced editor text

      This is short coder Text Only.


      Wordpress clearly sees the 2 shortcoder short codes.

      It is just not picking up on the HTML that I have tried to insert there via short coder.


      I have just tried it on a bare bones site with only my Catalyst theme enabled and it still strips anything with HTML in it.

      So again I don’t think it is a plug-in conflict problem. It looks like it has more to do with wordpress itself.

      Any thoughts?


      Shortcoder just replicates the HTML template of the shortcoder. It doesn’t strip tags.

      Here in my testing site, you can see the shortcoder in action. After the second paragraph, the shortcoder clearly replicates the template. Ask the theme developers about this issue.

      Thank you.

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