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    • Travelha

      Here is a sample blog post:

      If I load the blog post in Chrome, the WP Socializer bar is way off to the left. However, it loads perfectly fine in FireFox in Internet Explorer.

      Under the “Other Settings” I have Distance between post and the floating share bar set to 285. This was the only way to get WP Socializer to appear properly in 2 of the 3 browsers.

      How can I get it so the floating bar loads right next to the blog post in every browser? Right now it loads different depending on which browser I’m using.

      Thank you!


      Greetings – I’m having the same issue. I have noticed that mine seems to be related to where the first text begins horizontally.

      Example: If I have left-justified text at the beginning of the post/body, it bases its distance off the location of the post’s left justification. However, if there is a picture at the beginning and the left-justified text is indented to the right, it shows up further to the right which covers the post.

      Is there any way of making the slider based off the maximum width of the body text (not just where the text begins)?


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