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  • in reply to: Ticker not working:-(

    Please check for errors in your page. It is the actual reason.

    in reply to: Ticker not working

    If your theme have a Javascript error then Super RSS reader JS will not work. Clear that bug, and SRR will work.

    in reply to: Bar Height

    You can use custom CSS to change the height and other properties of the announcement box.

    in reply to: Floating Bar and Button Spacing

    Use this code



    in reply to: </textarea>

    The new version v3.2 has this bug fixed. Thank you.

    in reply to: Floating Bar and Button Spacing

    You can use “Shortcodes” above the post manually to display the sharing buttons.

    Here is the documentation page:

    in reply to: Disable on Custom Pages Only

    Under those post edit page, you will see a metabox on the right side named “WP Socializer”. It contains options to disable WP Socializer on that specific page. Thank you.

    in reply to: Preserving social sharing button count after domain change

    Use the latest WP Socializer version.

    You need to do the domain name change work in the “wp-socializer.php” file.

    The function “wpsr_get_post_details()” sends the post details to the share buttons.

    So inside that function in line 1174 (as of v2.4.5) add your post URL changing code block like this


    /******* TO CHANGE THE POST URL (obtained from ) ***/

    // Changed URL structure from /yyyy/mm/dd/slug to /slug on
    // 5/28/2011. This ensures older posts still present the old URLs
    // to sharing services so that share counts are maintained.
    $url_change_date = strtotime(“5/28/2011”);
    $post_date = strtotime(get_the_date());

    $post_url = get_permalink($post->ID);

    if ($post_date < $url_change_date) {
    $url_date_prefix = "/" . date("Y", $post_date) .
    "/" . date("m", $post_date) .
    "/" . date("d", $post_date);

    $permalink_inside_loop = str_replace("://",
    "://" . $url_date_prefix,

    /*********************** END *************************************************/

    The actual concept is to store the “$permalink_inside_loop” variable with tweaked URL thats all.

    in reply to: Floating Bar and Button Spacing

    Why do you need to insert the buttons like this ???

    Just go to WP Socializer -> Placement -> Template 1/2 and in the text box, tweak the “button codes” as you like.

    For enabling the floating sharebar, Go to “Floating share bar” admin page and uncheck “Temporarily disable floating sharebar”.

    Thats all.

    in reply to: Floating Sharebar is displaying below footer

    There is no problem with the plugin. Its all because, there is a JS error in your page. It makes the Floating share bar inactive and stay at bottom.

    If you clear the bug you see in the JS of the page, it will work fine.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Slow load times for when WP Socializer plugin activated

    A new version WP Socializer v2.4.5 is released with “Smart load” feature. Hope so it doesn’t make the site load slow. It is fast my tests and I am happy with it.

    More Info:

    in reply to: How do i delete an unwanted shortcode?

    I am glad to solve your problem. Shortcoder is my favorite plugin.

    The official fan page for Aakash Web is . Here you can show your support for the plugin and other free products.

    in reply to: Feature Request

    Thanks for the idea. But anyway many will not prefer it. If it is essential for you, just edit the public/announcer-js.js file accordingly.

    Ill implement this for all after a research and usage.

    in reply to: When closed using the X, how long until it reappears?

    The announcement will be closed for 1 year.

    It will be re-shown to all users when a new announcement is made.

    If you want to force the closed announcement to reappear, just make some small changes like adding a full-stop etc. Doing this will delete the cookie and make it appear for all.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: How do i delete an unwanted shortcode?

    Just drag the shortcode to be deleted and drop it on the “trash can” you see on the right bottom of the page. Thats all. The shortcode is deleted.

Viewing 15 posts - 1,516 through 1,530 (of 1,993 total)

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