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  • in reply to: Removing the Share html from WordPress REST API

    Hi there,

    Can you please share more details on “WordPress API endpoint” and where it is shown?

    Ideally the plugin inserts the share icons only above/below posts and pages.


    in reply to: How to add PHP codes

    Hi Miko,

    Thanks for using Shortcoder.

    Shortcoder supports only HTML/CSS/JS as content.


    I would suggest plugins like below for your purpose.

    Insert PHP Code Snippet


    Hi @j3200,

    Thanks for using Super RSS Reader and glad that you liked it.

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Yes it is possible to customize the output using the PHP filters provided by the plugin.

    Below is the hook to achieve that.

    Actions and Filters

    This would be the implementation. I haven’t tested this, but it should work. Please change the class name of the read more button as required.

        add_filter( 'srr_mod_item_html', 'srr_read_more_btn', 10, 3 );
        function srr_read_more_btn( $html, $feed_url, $feed_item ){
            // Get the permalink for the current feed item
            $permalink = esc_url( $feed_item->get_permalink() );
            // Create the "Read More" button HTML
            $read_more_button = '<a href="' . $permalink . '" class="read-more-button" target="_blank">Read More</a>';
            // Append the button to the description
            $html['description'] .= '<br>' . $read_more_button;
            return $html;


    in reply to: Featured image no longer appear on the target domain

    Glad you figured out the issue!

    in reply to: How can I deactivate the loading of Font Awesome?

    Hi there,

    You can disable it in the settings like in the FAQ answer below.


    WP Socializer –> Settings -> CSS/JS to not to load in any page, set value to fa_icons


    in reply to: Featured image no longer appear on the target domain

    My guess is that the RSS feed source website is not permitting images to be displayed on another website.

    Did you get a confirm this by inserting an image with the URL in your post

    If it fails, then for sure the source site has restrictions.
    Please confirm me on this. I’ll see if the image can be displayed via a proxy.

    in reply to: custom icon not create

    Hi @seosamyukta,

    Thanks for using WP Socializer.

    When a custom icon is created, it is available in all the features including follow icons.

    It is not possible for it go missing.

    Custom icons are added at the bottom of the dropdown.
    Can you please check again?

    If you couldn’t find the icon, can you please share a screenshot of the page where custom icon is added and the follow icons dropdown?


    in reply to: Font Colour on Bar

    Hi Ian,

    You can change the announcement style, colors under the announcement edit page –> settings box –> design tab.



    I looked at your page – but the RSS feed is not loaded. I can see “no items” under the event section.

    Can you please confirm if the RSS feed URL is valid?

    When I tried, it gives me 404 error.
    Can you please let me know further on this?


    in reply to: Featured image no longer appear on the target domain

    Hi Keith,

    Thanks for using Super RSS Reader.

    I see that the images are blocked from loading on your target site.

    I can’t guess why, but it seems there is some lazy loading enabled and some resources from other domains are blocked on the target site.

    You can confirm this by pasting below code in a sample post or HTML widget. The image will be blocked.

    <img decoding="async" src="" alt="[기고] ‘챗GPT는 무슨 “기술”인가요?’라는 질문에 담긴 한국 개발자들의 ‘복사-붙여넣기’ 사고방식" align="left" data-lazy-src="" >

    Can you also please search online regarding the CORB error and check what you can do to avoid this?


    in reply to: Style Ultimate floating widgets

    Hi there,

    Thanks for using UFW plugin.

    Yes currently the width/height can be set only for the desktop.

    For smaller screens it can be adjusted only using CSS code.
    I saw your website and the popup looks good.

    Please let me know if you still want to change the size. If yes, let me know the size you want.


    in reply to: critical error


    Critical error is not expected. But sure I can help resolve the issue.

    My guess is some other plugin is causing an interruption.

    Can you please share the error you see on the page or in the debugging logs?

    If debugging is not enabled, can you please enable and share the details from the logs?

    Debugging in WordPress


    in reply to: cache issues or cannot save locations settings.


    Thanks for understanding.

    Please feel free to share the issue you are facing. I’ll be there to help you resolve the issue.


    in reply to: Short Code not displaying correctly

    Hi Kirk,

    Glad it works now 🙂
    Have a nice day.


    in reply to: Feature Request

    Hi @lnki5538,

    I tried to include your suggestions in the latest version. But I was not able to make it as I didn’t get a clear understanding of the requirement. My apologize.

    Could you please share more details on #1 and #2 like when you meant “hook” on pressing the button?


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