This is used to write your signature and get that signature as an image. You can use this image in your emails, discussion boards as your avatar and more.


  1. Write your signature in the plain area.
  2. Use some colors, different line thickness, transparencies and put your creativity .
  3. Click "Generate signature"
  4. That’s all.
  5. Save the image ( as image-name.jpg ) to your computer by right clicking the image
  6. Please see "Note" before creating the signature
  7. Also see "Help"

Signature Generator v2.7

[sc:flash width=510 height=321 id=”Signature generator” bgcolor=”#fff” url=”generators/signature-maker.swf” flashvars=”genUrl=” scale=”noscale” wmode=”transparent”]

Please turn off "Pop-up Blocker" in your web browser mainly in Mozilla Firefox 2+ and Internet Explorer 6+ to get the image. The pop-up is 100% safe and it contains the generated email ID signature. If you still can’t get the image discuss it in Aakash Web Forums


What’s the use ?

You can use the image in your forum as an avatar or use it in your email. It’s up to to you.

How to save the image ?

Right click the image and click save image as or other similar option which comes from the context-sensitive menu in your browser. Save the image as image-name.jpg . Your image will be ready.

When i click generate signature there is no response :

This thing happens when you turn on pop-up blocker in your browser. Just disable pop-up blocker and use the generator again. The pop-up is safe !

Tools used in the generator :

pen-toolPen tool : This is the default tool and use this to write your signature.

eraser-toolEraser : Use this tool to erase the line you have drawn. You can also change the eraser color by choosing the color using color tool.

color-toolColor tool : Click this button and choose a variety of colors for signature.

thicknessThickness : You can change the thickness of the line by entering the size in the input box. Default thickness is 2. For eraser tool is 10.

alphaLine alpha : Change the alpha or transparency of the line using this option. You can enter values from 0 to 100. Default value for this tool is 100

Still want help ? then post it in Aakash Web Forums.

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