Socializer.js helps to generate HTML for for the socializer.css library and provides some features like identifying active page details and opening share URLs in popup.


  • Include socializer.js to generate HTML
  • Include socializer.css to load CSS classes for the social buttons
  • Create an element with all the features required for a social button and initialize socializer.js to generate HTML.


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- Turns into social sharebar -->
<div class="socializer" data-features="32px,circle,icon-white,pad" data-sites="facebook,googleplus,print,email,rss"></div>

<!-- Initialize socializer.js -->
    socializer( '.socializer' );


Please refer the complete documentation of socializer.js in this page

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