best method to insert custom code in WordPress

Best methods to Insert Custom PHP code in WordPress?

Do you want to add custom PHP code to your WordPress website? When you read articles/guides related to WordPress, oftentimes you can see they suggest you add PHP code to tweak an existing feature of WordPress or add a new feature/option. Apart from articles, you may also need to ...

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Debugging PHP

Some useful techniques in debugging PHP are mentioned below Article: Firefox addon – Firephp PHP Extension – Xdebug Using var_dump() phpEd Zend Studio (5.5) with Zend Platform Using, print_r and echo

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Comparing dates in PHP

PHP’s date function strtotime () solves the problem of comparing dates and to check whether the user entered date/custom date is expired or not. Inorder to check whether, the custom date is expired or not, we need to do the following steps Get today’s date. Get the date to ...

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Adding watermarks to images with PHP

Watermarks play a very important role in sections of copyright and also in site promotions. But adding custom watermarks to each and every image in site using a Photo-editing software will be painful sometimes. But for regular blogging sites with more images for a single post will definitely be ...

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