Ultimate Floating Widgets v3.0 Release

Ultimate floating widgets v3.0 is now available. This is a maintenance release that includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes. It is now available for both free and PRO versions. Please find the changelog below. You can also follow us on Twitter for latest updates @aakashweb ✨ Changelog ...

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Ultimate Floating Widgets v2.9 Release

Ultimate floating widgets v2.9 is now available. This is a maintenance release that includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes. It is now available for both free and PRO versions. Please find the changelog below. You can also follow us on Twitter for latest updates @aakashweb ✨ Changelog ...

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Ultimate Floating Widgets v2.8 Release

Ultimate floating widgets v2.8 is now available. This is a maintenance release that includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes. It is now available for both free and PRO versions. Please find the changelog below. You can also follow us on Twitter for latest updates @aakashweb ✨ Changelog ...

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Ultimate Floating Widgets v2.7 Release

Ultimate floating widgets v2.7 is now available. This is a maintenance release that includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes. It is now available for both free and PRO versions. Please find the changelog below. You can also follow us on Twitter for latest updates @aakashweb ✨ Changelog ...

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Add floating flyout sidebar to WordPress

How to Add a Floating Flyout Sidebar in WordPress

Do you have a website without a sidebar or otherwise called a one-column theme? You may want to add widgets to your website but you prefer a one-column layout. The solution to this problem would be to create a floating Flyout sidebar and add widgets to it. There are multiple useful ...

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Ultimate Floating Widgets v2.1 Release

Ultimate floating widgets v2.1 is now available. This is a maintenance release that includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes. It is now available for both free and PRO versions. Please find the changelog below. You can also follow us on Twitter for latest updates @aakashweb ✨ Changelog ...

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