Git it Write
Git it Write is a WordPress plugin which allows to publish the markdown files present in a Github repository to your WordPress site
Git it Write is a WordPress plugin which allows to publish the markdown files present in a Github repository to your WordPress site
A WordPress plugin to create sticky / fixed / floating popup bubble and flyout sidebars where you can add your WordPress widgets to it.
Socializer.js helps to generate HTML for for the socializer.css library and provides some features like identifying active page details and opening share URLs in popup.
Socializer is a css library to create customizable social media sharing buttons and sharebar easily with handful of predefined classes and styles.
Conditioner is a jQuery plugin to conditionally display elements based on an input element value. It has inline-options feature which allows to do this very easily, something similar to angular JS’s ng-if feature.
Shortcoder 3.4.1 is released which fixes the compatability issue in WordPress 4.4. Please read further to know more info on this release. Starting Shortcoder 3.4.1 the syntax for shortcoder is [sc name="your shortcode"]. This is in effect to the shortcode API related changes made in WordPress core which made ...
Contrast changer is an extension to change the contrast of the webpage currently viewing to modes like "Invert" or Grayscale". Useful for reading webpages easily without eye strain and for focusing only on content.
Advanced Post Navigator is a WordPress plugin to add “Next and Previous” buttons to posts and pages. It also shows complete information about the next and previous post in a hover bubble.
Easy ticker is a jQuery plugin to add news ticker like vertical scroll effect to lists. It is highly customizable, flexible with lot of features and works in all browsers.
Add social media sharing icons to posts, sticky/floating share bar, follow my profile icons easily for Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Instagram and more.
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